We have a situation in Australia where it is enough to come into contact with the SARS-CoV-2 virus to be treated as a criminal by the authorities, even without any symptoms of disease, if we do not succumb to voluntary deprivation of liberty.
The Covid-19 positive man, who was dubbed a “Covid fugitive,” was caught and arrested in western Sydney.
Anthony Karam, 27, was wanted on an outstanding warrant for repeatedly breaching pandemic restrictions. NSW Police announced yesterday that the dangerous the “criminal” had been arrested and expected to be charged with a number of offences.
According to a police announcement:
“Following extensive inquiries by the Bankstown Police Area Headquarters, the man was arrested just before 5:30 pm today (Thursday August 26, 2021) on Footbridge Boulevard in Wentworth Point.” (Source)
Karam initially tested positive on August 14 and was sentenced to isolation by health authorities. But according to the police, he defied orders and was seen many times in public places.
It should be noted here that Anthony Karam never displayed any symptoms, and according to Paul Hunter, a professor at the University of East Anglia and an expert in infectious diseases:
“We need to move away from reporting infections to actually reporting the number of people who are ill. Otherwise we are going to be frightening ourselves with very high numbers that don’t translate into disease burden.”
Additionally, Professor Pollard, who led the Oxford vaccine team, claims that:
“I think as we look at the adult population going forward, if we continue to chase community testing and are worried about those results, we’re going to end up in a situation where we’re constantly boosting to try and deal with something which is not manageable.” (Source)